5 Best Reasons Why you should make DIY Crafts More often πŸ’ž

Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy craft supplies and it’s one and the same thing πŸ’“ 

Making DIY crafts has more perks to it than being cheap and easily available at store. So tighten your seatbelts and brace yourselves because here I present you 5 main reasons why it’s totally awesome to do DIY products at home (more often) 😍


Making crafts helps to fight Depression. Yes it is true , I’m claiming this so because I’ve experienced it myself . 

I made DIY Harry Potter Room Decor when I was depressed , It took me three days to make everything from golden snitch to Flying keys to Printing Slytherin N pasting on my room wall πŸ™Œ

Making this  DIY products made me happy , my depression was gone like it was a magic. Creating crafts induces Dopamine and endorphins in your system which increases your happiness level …

So feeling sad you know what to do .


Crafting is an Art , it needs creativity , by making your brain more resourceful it improves your critical thinking . It teaches you the art of making the optimus use of the available things and turn it into a object , you can alwayz use hot glue guns.. the irony is If you’re a master of DIY products you will know to make a glue gun at home. And If you find it difficult to make DIY things don’t let your hopes down . You can alwayz resort to videos on YouTube.  YouTube jaiho πŸ™Œ
3. High Self Esteem

 Those who make DIY crafts are known to have high self confidence . They know that what they produce is not everyone’s cup of tea. Learning to make DIY itself helps to improve your confidence ,you feel good about yourself . Everyone think of you as a creationist πŸ’“ and feeling good about yourself eventually builds self esteem πŸ’–


Espirit de corps is a French phrase meaning Team Spirit . 

Doing DIY craft with family or friends or other groups develops feeling of loyalty and trust among the groups . 

People working together increases or helps to improve their Interpersonal skills and communication skills and this the best method to develop those skills which is required by top most companies so it’s good for your resume πŸ˜‚

5. Room Decor 

last but not the least. It is a cheap ,efficient and creative method to decorate your rooms during festive seasons like Diwali , Christmas , Thanksgiving , Halloween, Eid etc..  and what’s the better way to showoff your skills of creative than DIY room decor. 😻😻😻😻 

So what you’re waiting for ? Go get that scissors and glue and whatever things you need and get started and don’t worry if your new to this.. because

In Crafting there are no Mistakes Just Unique Creations πŸ’ƒπŸ‘Œ

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